Tuesday, 6 January 2015


6 January
Weight: 81.5
Distance run: 5.53km
Time: 32m:39s
Average speed: 10.16kph

It's getting tricky to write something new about running every day, but I consider that part of the challenge, too. I've started pushing my speed higher, which does come at a price. I remain very sweaty until I'm halfway to work. I struggle more with the run itself. I do risk injury. I know all this. The advantage, when I have to squeeze this workout in before a day at the office is that I can get it done up to ninety seconds faster! So, you know. Totally worth it.

Laundry is becoming a problem, actually. I only have a few sets of workout clothes and, obviously, I can't reuse them day to day. Mornings are also the time I get a lot of my chores done, so laundry is falling behind, along with the dishes and my various inboxes. Committing this much time to running is having more of an impact on my life than I expected, but I think I can cope. It's still only day 6 of 31, though, which means I'm not even 20% done with this challenge.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - I know I said it wasn't about weight loss, but that number climbing up is a worry.
PPS - I've been hungry.

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