Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Predictable advances in collaborative computer displays

I used to catch the bus with an old-school engineer - one who grew up drafting on paper with set squares, compasses and so on. Once he mentioned that his company was having trouble keeping the printers running properly, and that this was essential for his work, because you can't properly gather around a computer screen to discuss a drawing. He seemed to think that's the way it is, and so that's the way it will always be. For someone who has lived through the change from paper drafting to AutoCAD, you'd think he would be a little more imaginative. While it's true that today's computers don't offer a good cooperative viewpoint, perhaps tomorrow's will. We already have things like the Microsoft Surface, which would be an almost ideal replacement for discussing large paper printouts. I'm guessing it will only get better from there.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - Especially if "better" means "cheaper" and "more common".
PPS - And that's what computers have been doing for decades now.

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