I'm intrigued by the idea of LEGO Universe, a Lego MMORPG. I don't know many details, but the concepts I can imagine them creating are interesting. Perhaps there will be levels, or perhaps not, but I imagine there will be ways of earning more bricks to build with. As you gain more bricks - special pieces and generics, maybe? - you will be able to build more elaborate pieces to complete more advanced missions to earn yet more bricks. That sounds about right to me, but keep in mind, as I said, that I have no concrete details, just the market-speak on the website. Of course, being aimed at young children as well as adults will bring its usual shrill cries of "protect the children!" from the ever-concerned parents. It's a tricky question.
Mokalus of Borg
PS - I imagine many giant death tanks on huge treads with monstrous cannons terrorising the LEGO countryside.
PPS - I'm just saying that if it can be built, it will be.
I dibs Godzilla.
Hehe. I do wonder how long it would take to earn the bricks to build such a thing, if that's how the game works.
As long as I can harvest the Earth itself, not long enough to save Lego Japan.
Now I'm imagining Lego Godzilla rampaging through Lego Tokyo, kicking down buildings like a child having a tantrum ... then picking up the pieces and building himself bigger.
Screw being bigger. I'll either go from Godzilla to Mecha-Godzilla, or I'll build myself shoulder-mounted lasers, ala Predator.
"Get to da choppa!"
I'm sure you won't stop at lasers, though.
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