Friday, 20 March 2009

Getting worked up about Facebook changes

Why do people get so upset about changes to the Facebook look and feel? I'll grant that a lot of people spend a lot of time there, and that learning how to use a redesigned website takes time. But since you spend a lot of time there anyway, the amount of time you spend learning the redesigned page layout will be insignificant. So why the passion about keeping Facebook looking the same forever?

My guess is that people feel as if they own their Facebook pages, and when the Facebook team changes things, it starts to feel like someone has come into your bedroom and rearranged the furniture when you weren't looking.

Personally, I don't feel that way about Facebook. It's a website that I use, now and then, and I understand when the company wants to improve the look, especially when it's designed to be easier, faster, clearer and more attractive to new users.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - Jeffrey Rowland mentioned the latest change in his Overcompensating comic.
PPS - Read the text of the blog post too.

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