Monday 2 July 2007

Desired features of a new media player

It may be near time to start thinking about my next portable media player. The Zen Micro is showing signs of age like occasional corrupted library entries and slow start times. Also, I'd like a higher capacity and the ability to show video and photos. It might be nice to have e-book functionality too, but that isn't something I've exactly longed for. Also, it has trouble with really long files like the podcasts I favour and sometimes refuses to include some files for no apparent reason.

I demand that the connection be standard USB compatible - no proprietary connectors - and that it play nice with Windows and maybe Linux. If I can set aside some disk space (say, 2GB) for use as a portable hard drive, that would be good. It must be possible to synchronise contents easily and automatically, too.

So I guess the next step is to take my list of demands around to electronics vendors and see what they can offer me.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - And I have to wait for my next pay day too.
PPS - Which is fortunately close.


Anonymous said...

iphone! or ipod! do it.

John said...

Oh, that would be all too easy, wouldn't it? But no, I need a standard USB connection, not some fancy "buy our cable or else" proprietary plug. That's not how I roll.

Anonymous said...

There is of course the somewhat restrictive price tag on the iphone, not to mention the annoying frustration of owning a piece of hardware prefixed by "I".

Or maybe that is just me.

John said...

I think Apple have gone a bit crazy with their "iBranding", and it's likely to lock them into that pattern for a while. Who's going to recognise a new Apple product unless it starts with "i"?

And yes, the iPhone is a bit expensive for my tastes.

Anonymous said...

All apple products come standard with a USB cable now. if thats what your talking about, its a USB to iPod cable. :)

John said...

That's not quite what I meant. I'm after a player that uses a cable where both ends follow a universal standard.