Monday, 29 August 2005

Boarded Up

I like board games. Something about rolling dice and moving tokens interests me somehow. What I like more than board games themselves, however, is the thought of translating them into computer programs. That's possibly my number 1 programming passtime. I believe I've had three iterations of just one particular game - Barricade (AKA "Malefiz"). I love the way unique challenges are presented by each game, and I get a geekly kick out of translating the rules into code.

I've been thinking about doing more of this recently just because my programming needs are not being met at work at the moment.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - My next board game project is likely to be Zombies!!!.
PPS - I feel compelled to mention again that the exclamation marks are part of the name, not added by me.


Erin Marie said...

If they weren't there, you'd add them though, right? At least one. Come on, you know you would.

John said...

I would add one. Using multiple exclamation marks is, to quote Terry Pratchett, a sign of an unstable mind.

Erin Marie said...

Really???? Wow!!!! I never knew that!!!!!