Sunday, 25 July 2004

The Sunday Mok - Truth Therapy

On Sunday, I helped Tavia perform a skit at both morning and evening church services to promote Missions Weekend, the big event in the missionary committee calendar. Apparently, it went over quite well. I also registered to go on the Wintercamp early next month.
Monday was slow progress at work. I ran into a performance dead-end in my program. I noted that, in a way, I'll be glad when Big Brother is over for the year and I can have six more hours per week for games.
Tuesday I did a little bug hunting at work, which was good to break up the monotony. I also started designing a completely new user interface for my program, because the existing one is too slow and cumbersome to be useful. I wouldn't use it if I didn't have to, so I'm sure others will keep away, too.
Wednesday I continued tinkering with the new interface, taking the time to get it right. I don't really have that time to spare, so progress is slow. I saw I, Robot for free, thanks to Murrae and Stu, and loved it. It's not entirely true to the stories, but it should at least appeal to today's audiences.
Thursday I decided I should write a book. Specifically, a personal management and good-practice textbook for programmers. I think I've learned enough in two years of real-world work to write some of it down.
On Friday, we took the youth group kids to see Shrek 2 in the city. Unfortunately for us, various factors combined to make it one of the most expensive things we've ever done with them. They paid only $5 each, and we spent just over $10 per kid.
Saturday was a huge night out, by my recent standards. I helped Kym celebrate her birthday at the Sit Down Comedy Club, starting at 7pm. After the show, we stayed around the pub until about midnight, then four of us went to the Elephant and Wheelbarrow to see cover band Blah Blah Blah. I got home at about 2:15am.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - I seem to be functioning well enough on only a little sleep.
PPS - We'll see how well I'm doing later tonight.

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