A single story involving everything on the Periodic Table of Awesoments would be off-the-charts amazing. Pirates, ninjas, zombies, jedi, tanks, bombs, kung fu, battle axes and bacon, plus Batman, Chuck Norris and William Shatner, to name just a few.
Mokalus of Borg
PS - The name "Awesoments" seems a bit awkward, though.
PPS - I can live with that.
Dude, Chuck Norris has no abreviation. That in itself makes this table priceless.
Everyone knows Chuck Norris can't be abbreviated. The last guy who tried was roundhouse-kicked into the Sun. ;)
i for one know that chuck norris wouldnt be happy being associated with a periodic table... chuck norris doesnt believe in it, he knows there is only one element.. .the element of surprise.
Well observed. I only wish another Chuck Norris fact so relevant had come to my mind.
So if I were create P2N, would that be the molecular composition for Vikings?
I'm not sure. I never did get the hang of chemistry, but I think Vikings would have to be some combination of Pirates and Fire. You might just get a pirate on fire, though.
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