I don't often post my dreams here, because it's weird enough already and usually I don't remember them. Last night held an interesting one, though.
I was a zookeeper at a kind of a free-range exotic animals park, and we had a pair of creatures that, for all intents and purposes, were Bigfoots (Bigfeet?). Anyway, we weren't sure if they were dangerous to humans, so as we were locking up one night, and letting our sasquatches run free in the park, they happened across a group of elderly people, one of whom fell down. The male looked up in interest and started towards the fallen person. I was watching by the open door, fascinated. The creature gathered speed, bounded right over the fallen person without a glance, charged past me through the door and out into the city. Oops.
So there was a meeting of zookeepers, some of whom had followed Bigfoot's trail up to a point, and gathered various clues in a sack that I was to present to them. The first thing that caught my eye was a pair of women's gumboots, which aroused some interest from the other keepers. This was followed by pair after pair of children's boots, evoking greater outrage with each pair. Bigfoot was clearly eating children!
At this point I "remembered" the twist in the story, despite being in it myself. Anyway, as it turns out, Bigfoot had found and adopted a human child, who was crying. Bigfoot, being observant but not that bright, noted that other human babies had shoes and were not crying, while his had no shoes and cried all the time. The solution was clear: baby needed shoes. So Bigfoot was stealing shoes from other babies and giving them to his, only to find that they were, apparently, the wrong shoes, since the crying continued. Thus resulted the long trail of discarded shoes, a missing baby and a very confused Bigfoot.
Mokalus of Borg
PS - I presume we caught him, returned the baby to his mother and all ended well.
PPS - I didn't dream that, but it seems the way things would go.
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