Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Guitar Hero should be the new karaoke

Guitar Hero should be the new karaoke bar fixture. Rather than hear atonal drunk people belt out Celine Dion "hits", we can hear uncoordinated drunk people butcher The Ramones. Perhaps the entire assisted amateur performance genre should be confined to the home.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - With soundproofing.
PPS - My entire Guitar Hero experience is one brief demo in a store.


Chris said...

Some bars have "Guitar Hero" nights, but there's really no substitute for good old karaoke. It's more fun to watch drunk people mess up lyrics and laugh than it is to watch drunk people miss buttons and get frustrated.

John said...

I guess you're right there. But when someone is really doing well, I think it's better watching Guitar Hero than karaoke. Even better than that is Dance Dance Revolution, though.