Monday 27 March 2006

A Process of Dumbening

Recently I've begun to worry that I'm getting stupider. Most of the time I can rationalise it as a lack of sleep, too much stress, boredom, hunger, whatever. Sometimes, though, no reasonable explanation presents itself except that I must be growing dimmer just a little bit more each day. For instance, I find myself looking up the spelling of words about which I used to be rather confident. That feels like the tip of a big, stupid iceberg where my mind will be wrecked. It's not a comforting thought.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - It's been this way for a little while now, not just a couple of days.
PPS - It'd be good to get some decent time off work.

1 comment:

Daniel Andersen said...

Thats cause your on drugs man . . the "love drug" . . .

Ok, I know that was lame, but at least slightly amusing!