I wonder if memories from your life would stick better if you cartoon them. It wouldn't take much, and I'm a pretty visual person, so I guess it would help. I wonder mostly because I remember The Simpsons more than my own life sometimes.
Mokalus of Borg
PS - It may just be that I watched a lot of Simpsons in my life.
PPS - Over and over and over...
I seems to me it's a repetition thing rather than a cartoon thing. It would be great if you could watch (some) memories over and over and over again until they're as permanently implanted as The Simpsons (or whatever takes your fancy).
You'd probably need to have them recorded on video. That would be the easiest way, obviously, but unless we all had automatic video cameras recording our every move, you're likely to miss at least some big events.
Well, that happens for me anyway, doesn't it? ;)
Ah, but you don't have access to that footage, do you? So even if it were true, it wouldn't help you.
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