Tuesday, 9 June 2009

How not to spot a terrorist

The culture of excessive fear of terrorism has led us (the layperson) to identify the following things as terrorism indicators: foreigners, cameras, bags, maps and cash. In other words, tourists. Does that seem right to you?

Mokalus of Borg

PS - At the very least, it's not good for business.
PPS - I guess some people pronounce "tourist" and "terrorist" about the same.


Erin Marie said...

You know what's funny? I'm going to a lecture on terrorism and human rights tonight. It's almost like you're watching me...

Oh wait. You are. I'm on TV.

John said...

It would be rather silly of me to start writing about upcoming plot lines that I am not supposed to know about, wouldn't it? Of course you can explain that away too...

Erin Marie said...

Of course.