Friday, 22 May 2009

Friday Zombie Blogging - Facebook quiz

I had hoped to be able to post something amusing about the Facebook quiz "Would You Survive a Zombie Invasion?" today, but when I logged on to take the test, it seemed poorly constructed. The questions are oddly worded, as are the multiple choice answers. I stopped at the following question:

4. What Would You Do If You Were Surrounded By Zombies......
Shoot One With LAst Bullet
Spin Round Shooting Like Hell
Turn Round Run Up And Shoot
Drop YOur Weapon And jump on floor

I have no idea what the last two options mean, and I doubt I ever will, even if I get to talk to the writer of the quiz in person.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - "Run Up" what?
PPS - I guess they can't all be winners. This is Facebook, after all.

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