This morning I present a demo of our software to a potential client. It's just another team inside a joint venture company, but they're still new clients, in essence. Preparing for it has been like school assignments, only with a shorter deadline and far more vague goals. I was able to talk myself into it by considering it an acting gig, but it's still not much fun.
Worse than being asked was the fact that it came at a bad time. Paul left a while ago, and he would have handled this on his own, and Ross is in training all week, so I'm the only available person.
Mokalus of Borg
PS - I'll get through it.
PPS - And if they don't want to use the software, no harm done.
I wish I could be there to see you do the presentation!
I'd love to see how you do - I'm sure you'll be great. Quietly confident, that's you.
With more practice, I'm sure I could put together something impressive. As it was, I described what I knew, and my confidence was mostly in the software. There are times when I was asked to demonstrate software with many glaring deficiencies, and it's hard to be confident in that situation.
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