Thursday, 23 October 2008

Desktop multi-touch as a peripheral

I wonder how soon it will be before someone starts making big multi-touch pads for desktops rather than just little ones on laptops (as seen on the MacBook Air). I suppose for them to be truly intuitive they'd have to be touch screens, not just blank input devices. The power of multi-touch is to directly manipulate what you see. If you have to guess what's going to happen from where you drop your hands, it's going to be a bit unintuitive and sometimes hit and miss.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - When you're adding a multi-touch screen, that might as well be the main display.
PPS - It should be flat on the desk, though, not up where we keep our screens now.


Anonymous said...

Maybe a keyboard style system, that can change with the application being used, shortcuts for Word, media keys for Winamp etc, as well as some of the features you normally see in those videos like the Microsoft ones with the photo resizing

John said...

If it's a multi-touch screen, it can pretty much be anything you want.