Thursday, 30 October 2008

Clearance Divers

Deb and I caught a show on the ABC the other night about the Navy "CDAT" - Clearance Diver Assessment Test and it made me curious whether I could complete it. I probably wouldn't pass into the training, but I'd like to see if I could take the 10-day intensive physical punishment. It appeals to the masculine toughness element. At the same time, I saw some things that were very dangerous going on: sleep-deprived, physically-drained men carrying canoes down a steep rocky track is a pretty good way to get someone killed or permanently disabled. I'd be very surprised if they have a good safety record just for the training. At the same time, I recognise that the jobs these guys are called to do are not safe, so you shouldn't expect the training to be safe either.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - A few years ago I would have done better than if you asked me to go today.
PPS - The RAN Clearance Diving Teams are a bit like US Navy SEALs.

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