Sunday, 15 August 2004

The Sunday Mok - Really Late Edition

I know I missed my Sunday post last week, because I was away at a camp. On the drive up and back, I dozed while my driver perservered. Considering that I was the only passenger and the trip took just over two hours, this is one of the less considerate things I've done recently. That was Sunday.
On Monday I continued working on the spiffy new version of my bulk data entry program. For dinner, we went to the Crushers Leagues Club for an all-you-can-eat buffet that featured mostly Chinese food. Given that Chinese is one of my favourite food groups, I think I overdid it a bit.
On Tuesday it became apparent that our partial testing release of Professional 2 was going to be delayed by a slow database rebuild. I also found that the bowling alley to which we would be going on Friday with the church youth group had lost our booking. Our group coordinator Michelle was (to put it mildly) upset by this, since it would have made the fourth time in a row that we had failed to deliver the promised bowling goodness.
Wednesday was a public holiday, so I went to a park with friends. To get there, I walked for about an hour from the city centre, and now my right knee is in slightly worse shape than it was before.
On Thursday I resolved to stick to a stricter diet to lose the ten extra kilograms I've been carrying around. As I walked home from the bus after work, I was significantly depressed, and started feeling better just after dinner. I am currently blaming stress for creating a mood swing situation, since I had two deadlines to meet on Friday. I hate deadlines.
Friday I spent a couple of hours getting the bulk data entry program to work properly. The only problems were the web server configuration settings, but these were not blindingly obvious to begin with. I stayed up until about a quarter to two playing City of Heroes.
On Saturday I did a rough calculation of the amount of time that I've spent playing Heroes all week, and have concluded that it is the greatest game ever to enter this house. That's just based on my own play time - I have no idea how long my brother has played this week. I suspect it's significant.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - Now I'm off to play a certain game.
PPS - It's stunning how quickly a game can take over your entire life.

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