I think it would be kind of cool to set up a Club Train that starts at Central, runs a loop and heads off again. You could serve drinks and have music and lights, plus big soft couches along the sides of the carriage to sit in. The biggest problems, I suppose, would be getting people drunk and allowing them not only to try and dance in a moving vehicle but navigate on and off a train during the night. Still, I kind of like the idea. It's the sort of thing I imagine when I'm on a crowded train heading home in the evening.
Mokalus of Borg
PS - Imagine seeing that thing go doof-doofing past your station.
PPS - There are problems with the idea, but it's a fun thought.
Problems? I see no problems...
How wide will this train be though? I need a LOT of room when I dance....
The train will have to be accommodated by existing tracks, so wouldn't be any larger than any existing trains - say, 2-3 metres wide.
That's what the Tube USED to be like in England, before they banned booze.
Seriously. You could drink on it up until last year.
I don't know if two or 3 meters will do the trick here.....
Unless I just sorta dance sideways....?
@Erin: I'm impressed that they allowed booze on the train until so recently. I wonder why it was allowed in the first place.
@Charles: When you want to make a train into a dance club, certain concessions must be made.
Reality never stops disappointing me....
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