Thursday, 1 July 2010

Club Train

I think it would be kind of cool to set up a Club Train that starts at Central, runs a loop and heads off again. You could serve drinks and have music and lights, plus big soft couches along the sides of the carriage to sit in. The biggest problems, I suppose, would be getting people drunk and allowing them not only to try and dance in a moving vehicle but navigate on and off a train during the night. Still, I kind of like the idea. It's the sort of thing I imagine when I'm on a crowded train heading home in the evening.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - Imagine seeing that thing go doof-doofing past your station.
PPS - There are problems with the idea, but it's a fun thought.


Charles said...

Problems? I see no problems...

How wide will this train be though? I need a LOT of room when I dance....

John said...

The train will have to be accommodated by existing tracks, so wouldn't be any larger than any existing trains - say, 2-3 metres wide.

Erin Marie said...

That's what the Tube USED to be like in England, before they banned booze.

Seriously. You could drink on it up until last year.

Charles said...

I don't know if two or 3 meters will do the trick here.....

Unless I just sorta dance sideways....?

John said...

@Erin: I'm impressed that they allowed booze on the train until so recently. I wonder why it was allowed in the first place.

@Charles: When you want to make a train into a dance club, certain concessions must be made.

Charles said...

Reality never stops disappointing me....