Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Weeding out the IM spambots

It's easy to tell when I've got IM spam from a robot. I always have a quote after my name in MSN, and the robots, trying to be personal and therefore more accepted, tend to say things like "Hey, mokalus - 'Like Summer camp for drama nerds.', check out http://[redacted]". No human would bother contacting me out of the blue to give me a link and copy what is clearly a quote rather than part of my name. The robots fail this basic comprehension and reveal their true nature.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - Technically, I suppose this is a form of CAPTCHA.
PPS - It was not intended to be.


Erin Marie said...

"The robots fail this basic comprehension and reveal their true nature."

Muahahahaha! Comprehension is the way to save the world from the robot invasion! Flee little robots! Flee!

John said...

Well, provided they stand still long enough to take the test.