Quickflix wrote to tell me that the Kung Fu Panda DVD has been discontinued and all their copies have been lost or destroyed by other Quickflix members. The result is that they don't have it and can't get it, so I can't rent it. I am a little confused by this, because the region 4 DVD does not seem to have been discontinued - it's still for sale in some places. Or perhaps the next production run is being done in Blu-Ray only, as a ploy to force people to upgrade. Would you buy a $700 Blu-Ray player just to play Kung Fu Panda so the kids will stop whining? Probably not.
Mokalus of Borg
PS - I just never got around to seeing Kung Fu Panda at the cinema.
PPS - I thought DVD would be a better way to go.
Hello there,
My name is Andrew Kirkwood and I am the Membership Manager here at Quickflix.
I just wanted to post a quick apology on your blog for the Kung Fu Panda email you and other members have received.
This email was sent out in error, as you correctly pointed out the DVD is not yet out in Australia. The local release date is currently set for the 4th December and all going well we will be sending the first dispatches on that date.
Again my apologies for any confusion this has caused, I missed the movie at the cinema too and look forward to seeing it!
Kind Regards,
Oh, I see. Well, mistakes happen. The number of times I've messed up this or that in my own software remain thankfully uncounted and mostly forgotten.
I didn't expect anyone from Quickflix to comment here, and I did see later that my waiting list had an upcoming availability date. You guys do good work, and I plan to be a member for quite a while yet.
Now that's customer service. I can't even get my family to comment on my blog.
Amen to that Chris.
Hehe. What I'm most curious about is how they found the post so quickly. Perhaps, having realised that the email went out by mistake, someone was put on task to search for blog posts mentioning both Quickflix and Kung Fu Panda.
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