Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Family phone networks

There's a distinct travel advantage in having a VoIP phone account. As long as you can still connect your VoIP phone to the internet, it doesn't matter where you are. I could make personal calls from work on my VoIP plan, or take personal calls from someone else's house while I'm there.

I quite like the idea of a virtual private VoIP network with extension numbers for family members. Then if I want to call Dad, I just have to know that his extension on the family network is 102, not that he is due to be in Bolivia today, where the country code is whatever and what was the name of his hotel again? With mobile phones and digital address books, it's just as easy to look people up and call their mobile phones by name, so it's unlikely the virtual family phone network will be a reality anyone bothers with, except if their families are dispersed around the globe.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - There may be other reasons I haven't considered.
PPS - Or there may be very good reasons not to do this at all.

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