Monday, 18 August 2008

Post-apocalyptic survival skills

What basic skills would you personally need to bootstrap society after an apocalyptic collapse? Start with fire and hunting - the ability to find and prepare food. Then add basic agriculture and animal care, shelter building and maybe pottery. You'll want to know how to make clothes and tools too, so tanning and leatherwork initially, plus woodwork and small-scale blacksmithing too. It's not an easy task.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - This assumes you're on your own, too.
PPS - But a total societal collapse should imply that.


Erin Marie said...

You left roo shooting and playing the French horn off you list.

This morning on the bus I decided that if I had to choose who would live with me in a post-apocalyptic world, I would pick Trudy because she knows how to shoot a rifle and play the French horn.

Important skills to the survival of humanity, I feel.

John said...

I think rifle shooting would fit under the "hunting" skill tree, at least until you run out of bullets. Music didn't figure into my calculations, though I realise many people can't live without it. ;)