Sunday 12 August 2007

The Sunday Mok - Noisiest fish ever

Sunday - I had a little back pain as a residual sickness symptom. After church in the morning, I watched some old recorded Simpsons episodes and read news online. I spent some time with Dad in the afternoon and ran the computer in the evening church service.
Monday - I returned to work after my almost complete week off. I spent the day tracking down timesheet issues. While waiting for the bus home, someone honked and waved to me, but I couldn't see who. Deb was at a meeting in the evening, so I used the time alone to catch up on television.
Tuesday - More of the same at work. Karate in the evening was heavy on the leg-work. Back home we cleared out some of Anthony's stuff from his old room which is becoming Deb's Mary Kay office.
Wednesday - I've been reading Hunters of Dune on the bus to and from work. Deb and I shared dinner with Sam and Mia before bible study where we talked about endurance.
Thursday - Deb and I got pizza for dinner because Dad and Beth are on the Gold Coast with relatives. We watched a whole disc of Scrubs - seven episodes.
Friday - I made a salad for dinner because neither Deb nor I were really hungry. We went to youth group in the evening, but no kids did. So back at home Deb and I moved Dad's old book case downstairs. Deb bought a fish.
Saturday - I had breakfast with some of the other youth leaders in the suburb, then got a haircut. Deb and I drove to OfficeWorks and bought her a label printer for her business, then I tackled several of my tasks from my lists. While Deb did a small Mary Kay class, Murrae and I played Zombies and we finished a game for the first time. I won. Dinner with Dad at Taj Bengal, Ashgrove.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - The fish likes to bubble at the water surface or something.
PPS - It's the most noise I've ever heard a fish make.

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