Tuesday 25 October 2005

Caught a spambot with its pants down

Various spambots trawl the archives of my blog leaving comments to link to their sites (to increase their page rank and increase traffic, blah blah). They usually include some variety of generic compliment on the blog, then mentions that, by the way, they also have a website, and, invariably, it "pretty much covers" some topic. Usually the topic inserted makes little grammatical sense, but I think that hardly matters to them. My most recent spam comment must have fallen over a bit, because its comment text read as follows:
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a buy zenegra site/blog. It pretty much covers ##KEYWORD## related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)
Obviously the link has been removed because I don't care to re-advertise for whatever the hell is being sold. The point of this spambot's complimentary style is obviously to make it appear more like a genuine comment and less like the money-grubbing, evil, soul-sucking, baby-eating spam that it is. This time, however, the script has failed to pass itself off as human and inserted its own keyword placeholder at the end. I find it mildly amusing.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - Sorry, spam pig, you lose.
PPS - Not that any of the spam comments still remain, mind you.

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