Tuesday, 6 September 2005


I'm a routine kind of guy, as many of you will know, so the way I handle new things or remember responsibilities is by incorporating them into my regular routine. I had this blogging thing all sorted out, then I moved offices. That move has, apparently, disrupted the delicate balance that is my sanity, and I find myself often forgetting to post in the morning, or just digging through my archives of drafts for something mostly finished.

It might be because everyone appears to be already working by the time I get in here, according to my calculations, half an hour early. I feel a certain responsibility to get right to it, and miss out on my blog posting and reading. From what I've overheard, people in this office work seven hours more than I'm supposed to, and I guess they fit it in early, because they all clear out at 5pm.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - I forget what my point was.
PPS - Probably just to apologise for not posting this morning.


Anonymous said...

Hey John,

I think you should turn on the CAPTCHA for comments to your blog on, looks like you are getting some Comment Spam, Spamments by what you posted the other day

Erin Marie said...

And, what's more - if your routine is out, then mine is out too, as your blog is the first thing I read when I get into work. So if yours isn't posted, I don't really know where to go from there.

These Spamments are really getting out of control. I wonder how many hits they really get from linking to comments in blogs?

John said...

Yeah, comment spam is annoying to an extent, and CAPTCHA could handle it, but it's a pain for the human readers then, and I really don't like making things difficult for people.