Friday, 15 April 2005

There's a reason it sank

Blogger be buggin' this mornin', yo. Fo' shizzle. I think that means something. Anyway...

I caught my first episode of Stargate: Atlantis last night, and while it's a bit interesting, I'm not sure how long it will be able to ensnare me in it's tentacles. The producers have clearly gone for the "minimise spending, maximise profit" business model. This forced the director to suggest that visually interesting things are happening off-screen rather than showing them. There was also a cringe-worthy scene between two characters outside clearly standing in front of a blue screen. I wasn't that impressed with the acting, either.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - The story was okay, it just could have used better dialogue.
PPS - We'll see how it goes next week.

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