Monday, 27 September 2004

Dodge This

I saw Dodgeball on Friday night, so it's easy fodder for a blog entry today. I think I'll provide an actor's perspective on the whole thing: I like Vince Vaughn and his straight-man performance. I'd even be tempted to put him up next to Bill Murray for comic excellence. I also liked Lance Armstrong's cameo appearance, and Ben Stiller does a fantastic job of inspiring hate for his villain character, though at times it felt like he might have tried too hard. Overall, I thought the movie could have used a bit more time devoted to the preliminary matches, and the character development was rather thin. It does feel absurd to criticise the script of a movie like this, though.

3/5: I laughed

Mokalus of Borg

PS - There is some more content after the credits.
PPS - You won't miss much if you leave before that.

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