Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Unit blocks are tiny nation states

I was struck by a thought the other day that blocks of units or apartments are like tiny nations in their own right. They have governments (body corporate), presidents (managers), taxes (body corporate fees) and laws. That's about as far as the thoughts went so far, and clearly there are differences, but perhaps in the "post-apocalypse" age, besides roaming bikie gangs and plucky groups of scavenger survivors, we'd have little fortress nation-states that grew out of blocks of units.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - Imagine catapults on the roofs, hurling old televisions at other unit blocks.
PPS - Maybe they wouldn't last that long.


Erin Marie said...

I think there's a story or movie in this. I really like it.

My sister and I once watched this story on TV - not sure what show, it was years ago - where this guy had declared his property a sovereign nation. I'm not sure how he went about doing it, but I'm fairly certain that it was official. For months afterwards my sister declared our house the sovereign nation of which she was the queen and tried to command me to cook and clean for her.

I think she would love the be the president of a block of units, commanding the troops to fire the catapaults.

John said...

There are quite a few "micronations" around the world, and even a tour guide book if you care to visit them. Apparently the phenomenon is quite common here in Australia, with Wikipedia listing twelve inside our borders. Not all of them still exist.