Tuesday, 22 April 2008

A simple photo backup solution

If you've got only one copy of your digital photos, or all the copies reside in the one house, you should back them up. Burning a DVD is a good start, but it won't save the photos from a house fire. Burn a DVD of all your digital photos and take it to work. That's "off-site backup", and it's less likely both copies will be lost. If you don't have a DVD burner, buy one. They're cheap, and I'll bet your photos are worth it.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - If you don't have an office away from home, give the DVD to a friend or family member.
PPS - If you've got no friends, no family and no office, you probably don't have photos either.


Erin Marie said...

I like the PPS.

Although it could have read:

PPS - If you've got no friends, no family and no office, then you're dead and what the hell are you doing on the internet?

John said...

I hesitated over that last line for a minute. It felt like I was kicking a hypothetical person while they were down.