They say it's when a resource becomes so cheap that we can consider it disposable that situations really change for it. When paper was precious, only the most important things got written down, and only the richest or most important people could read or write. When paper got cheaper, we started having a publishing industry. Now, paper is practically free, almost everyone can read and write and we can afford to tear up paper to wrap up gum to throw away.
Internet bandwidth is still in that middle stage. It's common, so we've been building an industry around it, but it's not so cheap or reliable that we can consider wasting it, especially on mobile devices. It's everywhere, but it's still precious. Only important tasks get to use it. It's becoming a reflex, for sure, and we don't think of it consciously, but it hasn't really earned that, in my estimation.
Mokalus of Borg
PS - If bandwidth were practically free, we could keep all our media in the cloud without thinking about it.
PPS - For example.
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