Sunday 13 May 2007

The Sunday Mok - In absentia

Sunday - When I got home in the morning, I slept for one hour before going to church with Deb. We checked out some places for wedding photos, read some more of Harry Potter, and after church in the evening we hung out at Scott's for a while.
Monday - Deb and I drove out to Scarborough to meet the rest of the church crew for lunch. In the evening we watched Cassanova, interrupted briefly by dinner.
Tuesday - The only day of work for the week. I documented my support activities as best I could and ran to karate from home.
Wednesday - Deb and I watched Talladega Nights at her place in the morning, then drove to Brookside to do some gift shopping. We worked on orders of service in the evening.
Thursday - I picked up the suits for the wedding, worked on the orders of service some more, had dinner at Dad & Beth's, then had a visit from Jeremy who will, unfortunately, miss the wedding.
Friday - More orders of service, including buying more toner for the printer. The yard for the reception was coming together and we had a rehearsal plus dinner.
Saturday - The wedding itself. Best man Miv spent the night to get ready in time, David drove us boys to the church and reception. We left late in the afternoon to drive to the wedding night hotel.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - This Sunday Mok was prepared in advance.
PPS - Then it was posted retroactively.

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